
Envision MV
Mission Viejo launched EnvisionMV.com to help keep the community engaged, informed and up to date on exciting plans to improve the connectivity for residents to the many wonderful amenities owned by the City of Mission Viejo.
Visit the Civic Core page for up-to-date details on the Project.
On March 28, 2017, the City Council approved the Core Area Vision Plan, designed to enhance the heart of Mission Viejo. Based on extensive resident and property owner input, the vision provides a framework for open space; connecting to Oso Creek; creating a central gathering place; enhancing community aesthetics; creating a walkable village; and connecting our civic and retail core to more restaurants, shops and cultural arts activities.

As a master-planned community, Mission Viejo has deep roots in embracing the idea of connecting families and visitors to our many assets residing along the Oso Creek.
Finally! A Place to Play in your Own Backyard! Mission Viejo launches LOS OSOS in Spring of 2023 connecting the Civic Core Area to the 200 acres of open space along the Oso Creek.